Pleas Please Spring | Summer 24

Pleas Please Spring | Summer 24

Published in 26 of Jan. of 2024

Colecção de Verão 2024 do Issey Miyake Pleats Please A colecção de Verão de 2024 da linha Pleats Please da renomada marca japonesa Issey Miyake promete uma estação cheia de elegância plissada e modernidade. Seja para uma ocasião especial ou para iluminar os dias casuais de Verão, a Pleats Please continua a cativar com a sua visão única e inovadora.  Inspirando-se na Natureza e na Modernidade A colecção deste ano da Pleats Please surpreende ao incorporar elementos inspirados na natureza, combinados com toques modernos. Os padrões plissados, uma assinatura da marca, ganham vida com cores vibrantes que refletem o espírito ... Ler mais


Published in 03 of Out. of 2023

MONIES celebrates 50 years (1973 - 2023) It is with great enthusiasm that we celebrate 50 years of MONIES, a reference brand in the world of design of jewelry. Since its founding half a century ago, MONIES has been a synonym for excellence, innovation and timeless elegance. The success is marked by its dedication to artisanal quality and the creation of unique pieces that transcend trends. With a distinct aesthetic and a unique approach to materials and shapes, this brand has built a solid international reputation. It is with great pleasure that we have in all our collections an exquisite selection of... Read more
MIIYU inspired by New New

MIIYU inspired by New New

Written on 25 de Mai. De 2023

MIIYU is a brand designed for the Novo Novos and inspired by their lifestyle. Portuguese brand designed for an inclusive and ageless society, made up of timeless and minimalist pieces, working to promote a culture of sustainability in textile and artistic production. Created in an atelier/laboratory, the collection uses organic and sustainable materials and traditional dyeing methods such as lavender flower, eucalyptus leaves and onion skin, creating a harmonious and sophisticated game of colors. The versatility of the pieces allows them to be used at different times and contexts through the integral coordination of the “Always ready” collection. All ... Read more